Daily Grains Weekly Update

By Ashley Overstreet
The Narrow Gauge Trail in Pine Valley Ranch Park, CO

And... we're back, feeling a bit more relaxed and with a few of the bakery to-do items caught up. Just a couple things as we gear up for the week: The Winter Bread Share starts this week for those who signed up. We're also back to our regular schedule, so we'll have preorders on Saturday and extras for sale at the farm stand on Wednesday and Saturday (along with a Sunday bread drop-off at Cure as well). Hope everyone has a great week!

- Ashley & Paul

Pre-Order Menu

Cinnamon Raisin Sourdough Bread
Einkorn Sourdough Bread
Maple Oat Sourdough Bread
Spelt Sourdough Bread
Sunflower Seed Sourdough Bread

Brown Butter Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
Spiced Molasses Cookie
Triple Chocolate Cookie
White Chocolate Cherry Pistachio Cookie

Sourdough Crackers with Sea Salt

Einkorn Pancake Mix
Pancake Mix

Turkey Red Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour
White Sonora Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour
Additional Information
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