Daily Grains Weekly Update

By Ashley Overstreet
The new RAISIN-LESS Oatmeal Cookie!

Good morning! We are back to a normal schedule this week with our preorders and farm stand events on Wednesday and Saturday (plus a bread drop-off on Sunday). A note about the upcoming Thanksgiving week: we will be taking Thanksgiving week off to see Paul’s family, so there are two weeks to order ahead if you’d like some baked goods for that week. We’ll be doing a limited number of the thaw-and-bake hot rolls that were popular last year, so look for those as well (if not this week, then next week).

And lastly, we've had some people ask for an Oatmeal Cookie WITHOUT RAISINS, so we are giving that a try this week. You'll find those available for preorder and also at the farm stand.

Have a good week!

- Ashley & Paul

Pre-Order Menu

Chocolate Cherry Bread
Einkorn Sourdough Bread
Multigrain Sourdough Bread
Rosemary Olive Oil Sourdough Bread
Spelt Sourdough Bread

Brown Butter Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie
Oatmeal Cookie
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
Spiced Molasses Cookie

Sourdough Crackers with Sea Salt

Einkorn Pancake Mix
Pancake Mix

Turkey Red Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour
White Sonora Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour
Additional Information
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