Einkorn Wheat
Wheat, Grains
Generally thought to be the most ancient of wheat varieties available today, einkorn is a diploid wheat with just two sets of chromosomes. While einkorn, with its hard-to-thresh hull, was abandoned as a mainstream crop, it’s still grown in Austria, southern France (where it’s called petit épeautre or “little spelt”), Italy (where it’s called farro piccolo or “little farro”), Germany, and some eastern European countries, in marginally fertile areas. More recently, farmers in Washington state and elsewhere are bringing drought-tolerant einkorn back into production in the U.S.
Belle Valley Ancient Grains
Newell, SD
Black Cat Organic Farm
Boulder, CO

Kulina Lani Organic Sourdough
Grand Junction, CO
Weatherbury Farm
Avella, PA
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December 17th, 2021
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via Instagram
November 8, 2021 12:17 am
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Timeline Events
Added einkorn to the site and linked to the Whole Grains Council's website that has a definition.
General event, Posted by Paul Bonneville November 8, 2021
Last updated February 4th, 2024