Nestled in the heart of the San Luis Valley halfway between Denver and Albuquerque, Proximity has great neighbors: Farmers here have been growing exceptional quality malting barley and other grains for generations. As the first full-scale malthouse in the San Luis Valley, we bring welcomed vibrancy to a mature and premium agricultural community, helping to keep the full value of local agriculture close to home. Growers here appreciate barley as a preferred crop due to its relatively low water and chemical input requirements. With deep roots, barley is a great rotation crop, restoring the soil for high input crops, such as potatoes.
The San Luis Valley is large, with ample acreage to supply the plant’s yearly demand for barley, as well as other grains such as wheat, rye and oats. To ensure our security of supply in case of wide scale crop damage, we also work closely with growers on the nearby Front-Range, another traditional and sought-after malting barley region. True to our mission, we continue to explore opportunities to develop underutilized grain producing regions where malting barley makes sense – in nearby places like Texas, New Mexico and Kansas.
Proximity Malt’s Colorado facility is also home to our full-service malt laboratory, allowing us to provide customers with a range of analytical specifications on each batch of malt.
Products & Services
Proximity’s commitment to producing premium malts begins with identifying the varieties intended for all malt brewing, that also grow well in our regional agricultural locations. We then work with our grower partners throughout the crop year, and select only the best quality from each harvest. As a result, we guarantee that our products – from base malt to black malt, from barley, wheat, rye and oats – raise the bar of excellence. We stand behind our malts for both sensory and functional brewhouse results. Our seasoned team of grain procurement professionals and maltsters collaborate year in and year out to consistently provide a full range of domestically produced malts. Brewers of any size can rely on Proximity Malts as the foundation of great beer.
as of December 2024
Oats, Grains
Available as: Malt
as of December 2024
Rye, Grains
Available as: Malt
Last updated December 16th, 2024