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Denver’s bakery scene is on fire: Here are 3 hot new shops to watch
via The Denver Post
Posted July 20, 2022 9:16 pm by Paul Bonneville
Just a few years ago it was breweries that were popping up all over the country. This last couple of years, we can thank the pandemic for making bakeries the next trend in new food related businesses. Obviously this is a trend I can get on board with 😁 Inspirational stories, no doubt:

Thanks to Colorado’s Cottage Foods Act, social justice fundraisers and social media, everyone from enthusiasts to pros started baking comfort foods and finding their own dedicated audience. By the end of 2020, pastry and bread devotees were even waiting outside of some Denver bakeries for hours just to get a bite.

Now many of these small-business success stories that came about during the baking boom of 2020 are graduating into full-scale bricks-and-mortar restaurants and shops.
Denver, CO,
United States
Food & beverage creation
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