Curated news and information worth Sharing
In this section of the site you'll find news and information we come across related to local businesses in Lafayette Colorado as well as local food initiatives along the Front Range and beyond.
Boulder County Couple Supports Local Restaurants With Community-Forward Farming. Why Is Their Success Story So Rare?
via The Boulder Reporting Lab
Posted December 13, 2021 12:45 am by Paul Bonneville
“To find a property like the one we’re sitting on right now is pretty challenging. Not just in Colorado, but all over the country,” Jurbala said. “The price of land is incredibly high for young people trying to get into farming.”

I learned about Speedwell Farm & Gardens about a week ago, but I just came across this article that hits on one of the major issues in the Grain Chain. Land. It is not cheap, and if you are trying to get into any new business venture, it can be a major hurdle. This article gives you more of Cody and Mel's story and the path they took to solve their land issue.

This is also the second article in the last couple weeks that I have come across by Sophia Piña-McMahon, so she is now part of our little Grain Chain database as well. 
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