Local Business News
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In this section of the site you'll find news and information we come across related to local businesses in Lafayette Colorado as well as local food initiatives along the Front Range and beyond.
WildEdge Brewing Collective Releases “From The Fields”
via Brewbound
Posted October 1, 2023 1:55 pm
With support from the Colorado Grain Chain, Cortez Colo.’s WildEdge Brewing Collective announces “From The Fields” (5.6% ABV), a limited release Dunkelweizen-inspired beer made with 100% Colorado-sourced ingredients, including a new grain varietal provided by the beloved Colorado-based craft malthouse, Root Shoot Malting...
...The Colorado Grain Chain provided WildEdge with a microgrant this year to fund the brew that celebrates all elements of the Colorado craft beer supply chain...
Cortez, CO,
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