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Colorado River crisis: The West's most important water supply is drying up
via The Denver Post
Posted July 22, 2022 6:51 pm by Paul Bonneville
This is one of the most thorough articles I've seen on the water situation here and out west. Agriculture will be a significant target for water use reductions, and one question I have is whether or not known agriculture techniques that reduce water usage can be applied to help. I do understand that swapping out farming models is not simple or easy and would likely reduce yields, but financial models aside, are different farming practices a possibility.

“This is an extremely challenging situation,” Meiman said. “There aren’t simple solutions. There aren’t easy solutions. We’ve exhausted all of those.”

Grocery bills have already increased as farmers face tighter water budgets, Shields said. And they’ll climb higher if additional cuts plague the industry.

Agriculture consumes the vast majority of Colorado River water across the basin, so policy makers see the industry as an obvious target for conservation efforts.
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