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In this section of the site you'll find news and information we come across related to local businesses in Lafayette Colorado as well as local food initiatives along the Front Range and beyond.
Chloe Newman of Crust Worthy offers baked goods worth salivating over
via Pittsburgh City Paper
Posted July 29, 2022 10:48 am by Paul Bonneville
Stories like Chloe's are definitely inspirational, but when we look across the country, not entirely unique. I don't say that to marginalize her story, but as an indication that there is a trend of consumers and communities longing for more authentic and local food experiences coming from community members like Chloe:

“We're pretty transparent as a business about how important it is for us to source our ingredients locally. Most of the fruits and vegetables that we get that are incorporated into specialty breads and pastries are locally sourced from the market often,” she says. “All of the flour that we get is also locally sourced, and there's really a lot of heart and soul that goes into that kind of regional pride and wanting to support that local economy”
Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
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